Monday, July 13, 2015

GOAL SETTING - Why I think EVERYBODY should have GOALS

I hadn't thought about GOALS much...for many years I didn't even realize how important they were. Then, one year I began to understand their value and the need - so I tried it out. I was a stay-at-home mom at the time. I wrote out my personal and spiritual goals for myself and my desires for my family.  Then I forgot about them. The crazy things was - at the end of the year...they always seemed to resurface and lo and behold - the majority were either completed, accomplished or darn close. 

I wasn't a huge believer in this until I went back to work and was "forced" to establish professional goals. That's where the rubber met the road. I had to think long and hard and figure out how to attain the goals I was setting for myself because I didn't want to fail at my job. That's where I figured out one thing...

I was amazed at this concept that great leaders don't set out to be a leader...THEY SET OUT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE and that's exactly what I wanted to do! I did well but was always frustrated because there were times I felt I couldn't measure up to someone's expectations no matter how hard I tried. That's when the idea of "gumption" began to develop within me. Yea - it's a bit of a hick word but it really describes my development in that area. NEVER QUIT became my motto - for whatever I was working on - whether it be home, work, ministry, you name it. I was DERAILED many times - but always got back on track as quick as I could. That diligence was blessed and built tons of character!

That is when I discovered how important planning was - a GOAL is just a GOAL if you don't give it feet. Breaking down a goal is vital to accomplishing them. But more than that - having the GOAL gave me focus!

We all have to live for something. We all need direction in life or we are just spinning our wheels going nowhere. I learned that I needed these goals to keep me on the right track.

Side note here...I love to dive into projects head on, wholeheartedly. I love to offer my gifts and talents when they're needed. My problem was I was diving in to so many different areas with no set goals or agenda. They were all awesome, fantastic causes but I stretched myself too thin and my family felt the pinch! AND the crazy thing was all those hours of work were not leading me in any certain direction. I was just treading water trying to stay afloat! That's when I began to realize that...

THIS WAS THE DIRECTION I WAS GOING. It wasn't pretty! All areas of my life were suffering and I started to feel like I was cheating on everyone. All of this chaos was causing so much stress on my physical body that it finally crashed - all activities ceased including being a wife and mother, working outside the home, ministry work, praise team, you name it. I was completely devoid of any strength or energy - all I could do was remind myself to breathe.

While I was bed-ridden and out of the rat race, I began to slowly evaluate where I was going with my life. What I found was I had goals - but not solid plan on how to get there. My plan for all intents and purposes was a solid plan leading to a breakdown and that was all. SO...I knew I had to change the plan. I didn't like where I had landed - but I can honestly say - I am THANKFUL that God stopped me in my tracks.

As I began to review my life and where it was going I began to see the discord that was being created because my husband and I were going different directions. It wasn't healthy and it was driving us apart not bringing us together. That's when I gave up on what I thought were my dreams and turned everything over to God. I began to dream WITH my husband and changed my focus and my plan. Again - the Goal never changed, but how I was attaining it did. This time I included my husband in my goals and dream making plans. It led us to places I never dreamt I would go - but I am loving the journey and making it hand-in-hand with my love! In this place - later in life - is where we discovered thankfully that...

 SO HONESTLY...EVERYBODY should have goals - you don't want to maneuver this life at random - everyone has an innate desire to accomplish great things! AND YOU CAN!

My next post will focus in on the nuts and bolts of goal setting...but until then - go ahead...

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