Tuesday, May 22, 2012


I've been married for 22 years. It's funny how easy it is to fall into routine and take each other for granted. It's amazing how hard it is to schedule a date night and spend time together. It's sad how quickly we can drift apart and feel disconnected when we're not intentional about our pursuit of one another. I have a good marriage. I want a GREAT one. Over a year ago I prayed for just that - an exceptional marriage. I prayed that God would open my eyes to the things that have been keeping us from having a great marriage. That's when my daughter recommended the book "Sacred Influence" by Gary Thomas (mainly known for his book "Sacred Marriage") I never realized how vital it was to have a man write a book for wives about marriage but this guy did an amazing job! So around Chapter 4 of the book I was compelled to journal about my man. Here's what I wrote a year ago:

Journal Entry May 16, 2011
Daryl Johnson - one of the most attractive men I've ever met! The draw was a definite chemistry placed between us by a loving God. We were hooked from the moment we met. He - the self-assured young man with his sailor swagger and all-American apple pie face. His laughing hazel eyes, adorable smile and cute butt! :)  My heart soared in his presence. I felt cherished, loved, adored, protected and on many occasions larger than life. My heart longed to be his. Being around him left me intoxicated with giddiness and certain joy. There's no man on this earth that could ever capture this heart of mine more completely, save one, my Lord and Savior who has very definitely wooed me and drawn me into an incredible divine romance. But it is also because of this divine romance that I now see my husband in a different light.

You see, for years we've been fulfilling our roles as husband and wife but a few years back the Lord pricked my heart with this thought, "there has got to be more to marriage than this." Not that I had a "bad" marriage - I would and can honestly say we have a good marriage - but the Lord challenged me to dig and to realize that we could easily and conceivably have a GREAT marriage. And thus the transformation of my heart began. I started looking for "tools" to help me more clearly understand the changes I needed to make in my heart, my head, my actions, my thoughts. I had to plough through my own expectations of the picture perfect marriage and make room for the transforming power of the Holy Spirit. It didn't happen over night. It didn't happen in a month. It began to take place and is still taking place even now. My life will never be the same because God challenged me and transformed me. My love is deeper, more complex, my husband more endearing to me today than ever in the past. But God is far from finished! No, this thing is wide-open and just beginning!!

Thank you Lord for refreshing my marriage. I know it's just the tip of the iceberg, but I pray you would continue your work! PLOUGH OUR HEARTS!

And thus the journey of discovery has begun. I must admit I never dreamed just how amazing this would be. And so, little by little I'm going to share with you just what I've learned the past few years as God has been weaving a new pattern into my tapestry of life! Tomorrow I'll tell you about the Rule of Engagement I found in Sacred Influence.

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