Wednesday, May 23, 2012


As I began my journey through Sacred Influence I discovered some rather disturbing things about myself. The funny thing was it came through the combination of my daily devotional book and Bible reading and Sacred Influence. I love when God connects things so completely like that. For example, when I was most confused and not knowing what direction God wanted to take me with this new journey I was reading in Come Away My Beloved and there in the middle of the devotional it said, "But look to Me and I will be your beacon in the night and you will not stumble over the hidden things. You will walk in the way of victory though turmoil is on either hand. It shall be a path of deliverance." These words were an encouragement to me that I should move forward with great anticipation.

Some of my favorite things about the book were the questions he asked (along with the male perspective he presented.) I thought I would share a few of the questions here with you from Chapter 1. Feel free to ponder them...

If you have put your husband's acceptance of you over your identity as a child of God, then how will you ever influence him for the better?

What is the difference between trying to change a man and trying to influence him?

If you "caught" your husband bragging about you, what do you think he would be saying? What would you like to hear him say in the future? What are some things you can do to start building on this?

I think I'll leave you all to think about these things. I'll share my thoughts tomorrow. :)

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