It's been a year...or two...okay probably more like four or five! Things have not been easy, but in the midst of the crazy, there has been so much joy, so much to celebrate.
First of all...when I became sick back in 2009 and things became progressively worse, I thought it was going to be my "new normal" and that there was little hope for a return to who I was. But God had other plans and here I am in North Dakota, living on the res, working full time, singing on praise team, watching my girls become adults, loving my man and starting the journey towards a bachelors degree. YEAH...I must be crazy! People are looking at me and thinking - "that girl couldn't even swim in the wading pool and now she done jumped into the deep end!" Maybe...but I'm living life! I'm loving life! And I'm about to be learning life at a whole new level!! :)
Really, for all that "should" be in the eyes of the beholder - my life has taken a glorious detour! I never dreamed I'd be here. BUT I AM! I never thought I'd be full of energy and life again. IT'S HAPPENED and I'm so grateful to my Savior for He saw fit to take my health challenges and pain and turn them around. It's in the little things that we see the progress...
I can get up and sing a full set for praise and worship and not be shaking and quivering at the end.
I can walk the mall at a normal pace and do a full round of grocery shopping and still have energy left when I get home.
I can drive to and from Minot without being thoroughly exhausted.
I directed VBS this summer and didn't crash - physically or emotionally.
I can work a 12 hour day and still get up the next morning and do it again.
I can go for a brisk walk and maintain the same speed on the way back up the hill to our house.
I can help my husband with the massive undertaking of our jam packed garage and at the end of the day we have filled the back end of his pickup with junk and had a stall that fit a vehicle!
This is a huge change from the girl who could only rise from the couch and shuffle to the bathroom and back before she had to rest.
This is a huge change from the hunched over, stiff jointed, locked muscle, lump infested person who couldn't accept help from anybody because they couldn't touch her without sending shockwaves of pain through her entire body.
This is a huge change from the muddled, fog-brained female, whose only relief from life and pain and emotions was to mindlessly play bejeweled for hours on end. No judging - I actually believe that keeping my mind occupied and doing something was better than having it idle and I mean I DID score in the 500,000's back then. I can't even repeat that now and don't even have the patience to sit through one game. I will say however, that Pinterest was my other escape and that one is still a bit of an addiction I'm working on breaking.
SO I'm living. God is good!
I'm loving so much more than I ever dreamed. Loving nature, loving family, loving my man more deeply than I could have imagined, loving God more fully.
And I am excited for the challenge of learning so much more. Broadening who I am. Obtaining a bachelors degree and who knows...once I have that I qualify for SEMINARY!!!! Now there's a dream I would love to accomplish!
If you are struggling. If you've drawn the short straw and have to deal with things most people never even think about. Be encouraged. God is there. He was with me when I was mindlessly passing the time on the couch. He was with me when I was angry at all that was going on and the lack of diagnosis. He has been with me through all of this, carried my family through so much more than what I was going through, and He brought so many supporters and encouragers - I know I am truly blessed. I pray you too would have the same support and encouragement. That you too would feel His presence in the midst of your pain. That you too would know that He loves you with a deep abiding love that can penetrate even the worst of pain or the most wretched of circumstances.
"We know that God who raise the Lord Jesus, will also raise us with Jesus and present us to himself together with you. All of this is for your benefit. And as God's grace reaches more and more people there will be great thanksgiving, and God will receive more and more glory. That is why we never give up! Though our bodies are dying, our spirits are being renewed every day! For our present troubles are small and won't last very long. Yet they produce for us a glory that vastly outweighs them and will last forever! So we don't look at the troubles we can see now; rather, we fix our gaze on things that cannot be seen. For the things we see now will soon be gone, but the things we cannot see will last forever." 2 Corinthians 4:14-18
Rest in this truth. God's grace reaches more and more people through our testimonies. NEVER GIVE UP! YES...our bodies are dying, but our SPIRITS are being RENEWED EVERY DAY! I know the troubles don't feel small, but when we look at them in light of all Jesus suffered on our behalf, they become bearable. Endure the hardship and be a light for those who do not see and cause them to ask you how in the world you still smile!
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