Now, if there's anything that even I know as an amateur - foundation is HUGE when building a house. A proper foundation is necessary and what every homeowner anticipates when contracting someone to build it. My amazing husband is a researcher deluxe. The guy will stay up all night and research something to the "nth" degree and determine the route he wants to take. When he says he wants to build an ICF basement - I know he's found it to be the best foundation for the house that he could find and that it would be wonderful! The contractor bid the job as a full ICF basement. When he built it however, he did a partial ICF...partial wood on the exposed walkout and put in cinderblocks at the base of the ICF walls - for no apparent reason other than the fact that he wanted to and didn't care what my husband wanted. I have never seen my Fit Farmer so frustrated. We also contracted him to provide a 3 foot foundation base for our mudroom so that we could install in-floor heat panels. He had our excavation contractor dig a SEVEN FOOT HOLE - proceeded to build cinderblock walls - and then made the guy fill the hole back in. WHY???? If I had known I would have put in a root celler for goodness sake!
To add to the pain of all this he was having a hard time reading the blue prints - so his measurements were off - which meant things didn't come together as they should and this particular contractor has been the "gift" that keeps on giving. Starting with his being $30,000 over budget - charging us for a basement that wasn't built to our specifications at a higher rate for 1/3 of it being STICK BUILT rather than ICF. Sticking us with the additional charges for the contractor who excavated then filled the mudroom hole. Having to pay another contractor to come in and reinforce the stemwall because he didn't finish that out properly either. Having to pay double for the mudroom construction because the specs didn't match what was installed so the contractor had to "retrofit" the mudroom. Having our garage wind up several degrees off because he laid out the house foundation incorrectly (not according to the plans.) The list goes on. In reality he didn't just cost us the added $30,000 but another $20,000 plus in adjustments!
When we were checking into the appraisal for transferring the mortgage - we found out we had to complete the mudroom and 60% of the basement. This was not in the plans and all the extra money we had to pay out to our overbudget fly-by-night contractor and all the additional adjustments - well that was the money we were planning to use to finish this stuff off with. We brought in a contractor on someone's recommendation again. This guy...well...he's good at some stuff - but he is NOT a finish carpenter by any means and can't keep a crew because he's not so good at managing his finances. That meant the majority of the time he worked alone. Every tried to hang drywall - ALONE? He did well until he found himself strapped financially, then things went down hill fast. He was constantly asking for more money even though he hadn't quite finished the work yet. I finally drew up contracts and payment plans for the guy so he knew when he would be paid and how much - contingent upon COMPLETION of the project. It worked...SORT OF. Then he subcontracted someone and that went south when he didn't pay them. When someone shows up at your home and they're disgruntled about not being paid and they threaten a lein on your loan...oy...that get's a little scary and a lot of stressful. To add to that - what this guy said he could do in 4 weeks has stretched out into four months - and that's just NOT COOL.
SO...long story short. The lowest BID is NOT the most economical route because they always - I mean ALWAYS go OVER BUDGET...they don't get things done in a timely fashion. When they lose interest because they can't get any more money out of you, they start doing shoddy work. And you may be left cleaning up after them down the road.
So - What should you do?
- RESEARCH - check better business bureau, get recommendations and CALL THEM.
- DRAW UP CONTRACTS - make it official, know the rates, timelines and payment plan ahead of time and stick with it.
- HAVE AN OUT - if something is just not feeling right or things just aren't going well - make sure your contract has an OUT so that you can bring in someone who will do the job right.
- SIGN LEIN RELEASES - as you pay them - make sure they sign off on the lein release noting they have been paid and cannot put a lein on your loan.
AND if you live near Stanley, North Dakota - you can hire
(701) 628-6232
These are the people we SHOULD HAVE HIRED in the first place. Their bid seemed high - but they ALWAYS stay ON BUDGET, they get things done ON TIME and they do QUALITY WORK!